Project Description
Do you have a commercial property that needs demolition?
Colorado Cleanup Corporation completed the demolition of 13 hospital and research buildings at the former University of Colorado Health Science Center, which closed in 2007, returning approximately 26 acres to future mixed use development.
Colorado Cleanup performed demolition, equipment salvage, tank removal, contaminated soil disposal and import of 150,000 cubic yards of clean fill. CCC utilized its fleet of three high reach excavators to perform the structural demolition of the 2,500,000 sf of multistory buildings, ranging from three to 10 stories. Materials were either loaded as waste, stockpiled to be crushed or shipped to an appropriate recycling facility.
Due to the close proximity of Colorado Blvd. CCC and the owner elected to utilize the implosion demolition technique for the 10 story Biomedical Research Building. The 200,000 square foot building came down safely, without incident and cleanup effort were complete 3 hours following the implosion. The contract was completed utilizing over 80,000 man-hours and sustained zero injuries.
Continuum Partners
Denver, Colorado
- Structural Demolition of 13 structures totaling 2.5 million square feet
- Export of 12,000 loads of building materials
- Implosion of biomedical research building
- Removal of 5 underground storage tanks
- Export and disposal of contaminated soil
- Import of 10,000 loads of structural fill